About NCRC

Who we are

National Consumer Rights Commission (NCRC) is an independent, self-funded, multi-sectoral, non-political and non-profit Association committed to consumers protection, education, research, consultancy, anti-counterfeits campaign and business rating on consumerism and customer-care issues.

Know your consumer

The National Consumer Rights Commission (NCRC) is an independent, self-funded and non-profit Association committed to continual service to the grassroots consumers; In addition, we are
multi-sectoral and non-political. We cover education, research,consultancy, anti-counterfeits campaigns and participate in businessrating on consumerism and customer-care issues.


Empowering you to make smart choices

National Consumer Forum is an Organization Dedicated to help you make full knowledge of the facts also choose reliable and lasting goods and services and protect 

Structured Consumer Sensitization Programs

NCRC runs structured Consumer Sensitization Programs which targets government, Private sector, and ordinary consumers to encourage in following  

Striving to provide evenhanded and stable market places.

We are aimed towards providing every Indian grassroot consumers towards a ethical, 

National Consumer Rights Commission (NCRC)

The National Consumer Rights Commission (NCRC) is an independent, selffunded and non-profit Association committed to continual service to the grassroots consumers; In addition, we are multi sectoral and non-political. We cover education, research, consultancy, anti counterfeits campaigns and participate in business rating on consumerism and customer-care issues. NCRC is focused towards providing transparent and reliable marketplace for every Indian consumer irrespective of any sector of the economy.

Our Mandate

Our mandate is drawn from Article XX of the Constitution of India 20XX, the Consumer
Protection Act, 20XX and the XX Act, among other statutes


Consumer Protection

NCRC is a national Association, which has established networks across India and has
demonstrated experience, in enhancing commoner’s consumer group protection through
policy and legislative work, research and capacity development of Civil Society

Consumer Outreach programmes

NCRC has been running structured Consumer outreach Programs that targets
government, Private sector, on-State Actors and ordinary consumers to promote
regulatory framework....

Our Training Courses

NCRC offers a range of training courses covering consumer rights, consumer protection, customer services and complaint management. We provide the knowledge and context to ensure that you are equipped to resolve customer complaints and to understand how legislation can affect your business. All of our courses draw upon the vast experience gained through our handling of thousands of complaints each year


To enhance consumer welfare and empowering consumers to protect


To be a trusted voice in striving for a better consumer environment in a
safe, fair and just market in the country.


Individual membership is open to any person who is interested in being empowered as a


Corporate firms with interest in the enlargement of provision for services or other input and expansion of industries have the option of corporate membership.


NCRC regularly invites bids for research, as well as informs you on job
vacancies. We’d like to keep you updated on current opportunities.

Rise of globally competitive Indian companies